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How I Lost 50 lbs and 10 Inches from My Waist By Doing This One Simple Thing Every Morning!

Tammy's Weight Loss Journey

Hello Friend,

Have you ever looked at “before” and “after” pictures like mine above and wondered if they’re real? Is it truly possible to rapidly transform your body into a leaner, more toned, more head-turning version of yourself? Well, I’m here to tell you…

YES! It is possible to slim down, lose pounds of unwanted body fat, and transform from a caterpillar to a beautiful butterfly!

YES! It is possible to look and feel not just comfortable but confident in your clothes again (even shorts or a swimsuit)!

YES! It is possible to have more motivation, more energy, more meaning, and more fun in life!

I’m living proof. No matter what your shape, size, or even age is now, I know for a fact that you can do it too! And the best thing is, in just a “hot minute” I’m going to show you how you can achieve all of this by doing one simple thing, right away in the morning, that will set you up for success all day long.

But first, let me introduce myself. My name is Tammy Kelty and those “before” and “after” photos above really are mine. (I still have to pinch myself sometimes to believe that’s me! It’s been two years now, and I’m still maintaining my weight loss!) In those pictures, I was 53-years-YOUNG, I’m told I talk with a southern accent, and my husband and I own a small log home restoration business in Knoxville, Tennessee.

I’m the kind of woman who will always shoot you straight. I tell it like it is. And I’m always there to lend a helping hand to my neighbors and friends… no matter what.

For years, I had struggled with my weight. And I’m not just saying I gained a few pounds for a year or two and decided to lose it. I struggled for over 10 years, and all I could lose was the same 5 to 10 lbs, over and over again. No matter what I did, how much I tried to eat healthy, count calories, or exercise, my weight would always go back up and then some. I felt bad about myself—sad, humiliated, frustrated, disappointed… I could go on. I was truly desperate!

Deep down, I felt like I had let myself down, over-and-over again—like the real me was screaming to have a voice… I felt like I was drowning in my own body fat. 

To be honest, things got so bad, I thought why not throw in the towel and just give up? I would think, if I’m going to just get bigger, why not “go all in” and eat what I really want every day? Why feel guilty all the time? I was so sick of always denying myself, counting every calorie, trying to eat healthy and working so hard—with no results to show for it. I couldn’t even maintain it if I lost a couple of pounds.

Tammy's Before Picture

Tammy's Before Picture

When looking at my “before” picture, it’s hard to believe I was even dieting or watching calories. It’s so embarrassing to even admit it now, but I was 50+ lbs overweight and gaining more fat every dang day! No wonder I never wanted to be in pictures. I would cringe when I saw photos of myself!

But I’m not here to tell you about my struggles and my failures…

I’m here to tell you about how I finally had success.

How I lost 50 lbs of fat and dropped 10 inches off my waist faster than I ever thought possible!

Tammy's After Picture

Truth is, some people online have judged me and said I shouldn’t share my story publicly because “I’m a far cry from looking like a fitness model” and “I still have more fat to lose.” But who cares about society’s unrealistic expectations? It’s time for all of us perfectly “imperfect” women to stand up, join together, and support one another with some serious girl power! We aren’t an advertising image, and we sure aren’t teenagers anymore—we are REAL women!

What other’s think of me really isn’t any of my business. I pay it no mind. What matters is that I’m so much more confident now and am finally proud of myself and comfortable in my body. (That makes me so happy to finally say out loud!) I feel like the fat has left me like air out of a leaky balloon. I’m no longer drowning in blubber. I’m finally the real me, and I’m singing it from the mountain tops!

I used to hate pushing through the clothes in my closet that didn’t fit—thinking I had wasted all that money over the years on outfits I would never wear again. Now I’m back into so many clothes that I can “shop” my own closet—it feels like I have a whole new wardrobe and can wear any T-shirt I own, even the mediums! I even stopped hang-drying my clothes because I no longer fear the shrinkage from the dryer! (Girls, you know what I’m talking about!)

I’ve never had so many people compliment the way I look. I feel like I’m having reveal parties every time I run into an old friend or family member. Everyone asks how on earth I made such an impressive transformation in such a short period of time. I’m guessing you might be wondering the same thing, too.

If so, please take a few minutes to read through the rest of my story very carefully, as I’ll share with you all of my secrets to success—how I lost fat, inches, sizes, and completely transformed the way I look and feeland I’m almost positive the simple steps I took will work for you, too!

My 3 Keys to Transformation Success

#1: I set a realistic and specific goal. I set my sights specifically on losing 20 pounds and flattening out my lower belly bulge to get down to at least a size 8 to 10. (Boy was I surprised when I lost even more weight!)

#2: I got support. Let me be honest: you can’t do it alone. I tried for 10 years. But when I was asked to join the BioTRUST Private VIP Facebook Community—a community with like-minded folks trying to get healthy—it was a game changer for me.

Tammy with friends she made from the BioTRUST VIP Group

Here I found a community of friends to turn to who not only provided daily support but also answered my questions and held me accountable. Now I'm returning the favor for new members. The group is full of people like me who are walking the walk and living the life, offering inspiration and direction to each other every day.

Plus, for even more motivation, a few times a year BioTRUST sponsors free weight-loss challenges for the group where you can win an all-expenses-paid trip for two to Hawaii and other cash and prizes. This really got me motivated! More on that later…

#3: I found a great plan. Within the VIP community, I found out everything I was doing before was all wrong. Fortunately, professional BioTRUST coaches, like Coach Cristina and Coach Tim, provided me with a plan to help get me from where I was, to where I wanted to be. All at no cost.

They helped me put together a simple eating and activity program to follow that fit into my busy schedule. It took out all the guesswork out of my day and finally got me on track, so I knew exactly what to do and when.

I learned that one of the biggest things I was doing wrong was not getting enough protein in my diet. I was eating “healthy” foods, but they were low in protein so my internal “fat-burning engine” was running out of gasoline, and I wasn’t burning calories like I should.

I needed over 125 grams of protein a day, but I was getting only half of that. My body was starving for the right kind of protein. That’s why Coach Tim suggested I have 24 grams of protein right when I wake up in the morning. He pointed to scientific studies that showed this would get my metabolism going so I’d burn more calories all day long. He also said that having protein for breakfast would keep my “hunger hormones” in check and I’d feel full and satisfied longer. And boy was he right! Before I’d eat carbs for breakfast like fruit, toast, cereal, or breakfast bars… and I’d be hungry an hour later. But not anymore!

Good and Bad Protein—There’s a Difference

I had tried inexpensive protein products in the past, and let’s be honest, they tasted chalky and smelled like an old barn, and they even upset my stomach. A lot of them used cheap proteins or were soy based, which was a big no-no for my body and actually made me gain weight!

But when I was recommended BioTRUST Low Carb protein, it made all the difference. When I started consuming this quality protein, my once “slow” metabolism started burning more fat and calories, and the added protein helped rebuild and reshape my body after exercise. I even noticed improvements in the tightness of my skin on the backs of my legs, butt, and on the backside of my once-flabby arms! Can I get an “amen” girls!

My days are busy, to say the least, so getting enough protein, especially in the mornings, was a big issue. I’m often on the go and don’t have the time to shop for, prepare, and clean up after every single meal. BioTRUST Low Carb has been a godsend because it’s such an easy, convenient way to get top-notch protein. Plus, it gives me the energy I need to make it through my most hectic days—restoring log cabins at work.

This premium protein powder takes just 30 seconds to whip into a creamy smoothie and is packed full of nutrition. Now I’m no health blogger, so here’s what BioTRUST’s website says about Low Carb:

  • Reduce cravings for unhealthy foods—both day and night
  • Manage your appetite so you feel “full and satisfied” longer
  • Build calorie-burning lean muscle
  • Increase your metabolism
  • Protect your body from age-related muscle loss
  • Reduce unwanted, unsightly body fat
  • Improve glycemic control
  • Enjoy peak energy levels fast and sustained energy all day

Each smoothie provides:

  • 24 filling grams of clean, pasture-raised, grass-fed protein per serving
  • An equally-balanced, time-released blend of 4 premium proteins, to fuel your body and keep you feeling full longer—including slow-digesting Micellar Casein, the ultimate breakfast protein
  • Just 150 calories, less than 1 gram of naturally-occurring sugar (very low in lactose), and 4 grams of net carbs per serving
  • A top source of essential amino acids (11 grams per serving), BCAAs (over 5 grams), and leucine (nearly 2.5 grams) to maximize your results
  • 4 grams of body-regulating, gut-nourishing prebiotic fiber per serving for better digestion
  • ProHydrolase®, a natural enzyme blend that enhances protein absorption and optimizes digestion—making it very easy on your stomach
  • Immunoglobulins, which support the immune system
  • Plus, it’s certified hormone- and antibiotic-free and humanely-sourced from happy, healthy, humanely-treated cows that are pasture-raised
  • A lab-tested protein powder that’s FREE OF JUNK: Non-GMO; NO artificial colors, flavors, sweeteners, or preservatives; NO soy; NO gluten; NO added sugar
  • Cold-processed, micro-filtered, non-denatured protein for ultra-purity and bioavailability
  • It’s available in 6 smooth, creamy, delicious flavors: Café Mocha, Chocolate Peanut Butter, Milk Chocolate, Peach Mango, Strawberry Banana, and Vanilla Cream

Wow, that is all a mouthful! The bottom line is that BioTRUST Low Carb is really the best protein money can buy because it’s like getting four premium proteins in one product—all without the chemicals and junk found in most brands.

Can you believe many supposedly “healthy” protein powders in stores and online are secretly full of hormones, antibiotics, and so much artificial junk it will make your head spin? What a scam. It boils my blood! But fortunately, BioTRUST is different.

I’ve found that if I drink one of these high-quality, high-protein smoothies for breakfast in the morning, my nutrition is set for the day. I feel amazing, my cravings are controlled, and my metabolism is stoked to burn calories like a raging campfire.

It really is true that what you eat for breakfast is a key to how much energy you're going to have... how much you're going to get done... and how healthy (or not) you’re going to eat for the rest of the day.

Getting enough protein is also key to how great your skin is going to look in the mirror every day when you wake up... how healthy your immune system will be... and frankly… how long and how well you're going to live your life. My mom was amazed how healthy I looked. She said, “Usually, when people lose that much weight so quickly, they just look older and sicker. But you look younger and healthy!”

Make this ONE COMMITMENT to yourself—to have a healthy, clean, high-protein breakfast every day—and you can look forward to a world of difference in how your body looks and in the daily energy you feel. I wish I’d have known about this simple tip years ago. I would have avoided all that mental pain and emotional suffering that caused all that emotional overeating.

And you may be quite surprised at how quickly you enjoy these changes. I know I was!

Most days I also added another Low Carb protein smoothie later in the evening, before bed. I used to either go to bed hungry and dream about food, or I’d eat the wrong foods at night, undoing the healthy choices I had made during the day. (Ever done this?)

But I learned that eating before bed is NOT bad at all if you have the right kind of food. So many people believe that doing so will expand their waistlines, but that is simply NOT true. Having a clean, high-protein food like BioTRUST Low Carb at night can HELP reshape your body and even increase your metabolism… while you sleep.

But to be honest, the real reason I have a Low Carb smoothie at night after dinner is because that’s typically when I crave a sweet snack. And a little ice and Low Carb tastes like such a cool, creamy milkshake that I have to slap my husband’s hand away when he tries to sneak a taste. 

I’m often asked what my favorite flavor is, and that’s a tough one because I love them all. Vanilla tastes like cake batter and is a good base for making all kinds of recipes. Chocolate Peanut Butter is like a dessert. But Milk Chocolate is my favorite flavor in the winter because I like to make it into hot chocolate. I just add a little less water to make it richer and then use hot water or milk.

Another favorite flavor is Café Mocha. It mixes really well with my morning coffee. There’s no need for cream or anything else. I seriously enjoy it more than a fancy gourmet coffee—and it’s such a simple, nutritious way to add 24 grams of protein to my coffee and start the day without a bunch of unwanted sugar and calories.

Because I’m on the run so much, I typically mix my protein with just water with a shaker bottle… no need for a blender—I keep it super simple. Others like to mix it with almond milk or skim milk, which is fine, too. No matter how busy I am, I never have to worry about skipping a meal, getting hungry, feeling weak, or having my energy crash because I didn’t have “time.” Now breakfast is a breeze.

In addition to my two Low Carb smoothies a day, Coach Cristina had me eating two healthy whole food meals as well. I imagine a dinner plate divided into thirds and in the first section I’ll have a lean piece of grilled or baked beef, chicken, or fish. In the second section, I’ll have a sweet potato (or you could have rice), and in the third section will be a vegetable like asparagus, green beans, or a salad with healthy dressing. It was simple! I could even eat like this out at a restaurant.

When I have the time and want to switch things up, I also use BioTRUST Low Carb to make protein-packed versions of waffles, pancakes, and muffins. My husband loves these recipes and so do friends and family.

Then about once a week, I also have a pre-planned “cheat meal” where I truly indulge. My favorite meal is going out for a juicy steak with blue cheese on it, some warm bread and butter, a big baked potato with all the fixings, all followed by an ice cream sundae for dessert. I learned that it’s okay to cheat once a week so your body doesn’t go into starvation mode and stop burning calories.

Super Savings on BioTRUST Low Carb

I paid full price for my BioTRUST Low Carb, and for me, it was worth every penny and then some. Heck, I’d have paid ten times the price for the results I got, not to mention the value I get from the free coaching and support I get daily.

Speaking of results, I want to help more people do what I did so I reached out to Josh the CEO of BioTRUST and asked if I could offer some of my friends and family a special deal on Low Carb. He told me they’d do me one better and if I wanted to share my inspirational story, he’d make a special offer for everyone this week. We both want to empower folks to get started, and we don’t want price to hold you back.

What’s more, for every order placed, BioTRUST will feed a hungry child for a day in your honor through their partnership with the charity No Kid Hungry®. How heartwarming is that!? They’ve also granted over 100 wishes for sick children through the Make-A-Wish® Foundation. I really love that BioTRUST has a heart and gives back!

That’s why today you’re getting up to 31% off per container of BioTRUST Low Carb when you stock up and save with one of their bundle packages—no coupon code necessary. Plus 3 FREE GIFTS from BioTRUST, including:

  • A FREE Private VIP Facebook Membership (the same membership that helped me so much—I can’t wait to connect with you there!)
  • The new eCookbook, 53 Fat-Burning Smoothies & Milkshakes. Here you will discover new ways to use your BioTRUST Low Carb protein in Smoothie Recipes like Banana Bread, Carrot Cake, Chocolate Turtle, Cinnamon Roll Supreme, and so many more!
  • FREE eBook BioTRUST Protein Power Meal PlanThis 46-page guide provides you ALL the details you need on how to best eat protein, carb and fats daily to rapidly optimize your health, weight, and energy.
Low Carb Protein Shake

At 31% off, you’ll pay just $2.43 for each delicious, creamy smoothie that provides so much healthy goodness! Think about that. That’s way less than the cost of a sugar-laden morning coffee at your favorite gourmet coffee shop. And don’t forget the private VIP coaching is free with Low Carb… other online coaching options like this are very expensive.

Of course, you are also protected with the BioTRUST no-questions-asked 60-Day Total Satisfaction Guarantee. Try Low Carb and if you don’t love your results and agree it’s the best tasting protein on the planet, simply return even empty containers and BioTRUST will offer a fast and friendly refund with no questions asked. (They’re that certain you're going to love the fast results.)

Beyond that, I think you’ll find, like I did, that BioTRUST Low Carb will absolutely SAVE you money by cutting down on your weekly food expenses from going out to eat and grabbing expensive, on-the-go, unhealthy meals and snacks. Heck, it can also save you hundreds of dollars by allowing you to “shop your closet” when you finally lose that unwanted weight. Being able to wear just one outfit will more than pay for your investment in Low Carb.

So, in the end, investing in BioTRUST Low Carb actually SAVES you money every single day, not to mention the priceless physical, mental, and emotional benefits you’ll experience by finally becoming the real you.

So Many Benefits!

My transformation has been truly life changing, even life giving, for me.

After losing over 50 pounds I was even named a winner in BioTRUST’s 12-Week Transformation Challenge and won an all-expenses-paid trip for two to Maui at the Grand Wailea Resort and Spa, and I even got a few thousand dollars to go shopping! (And you will have this opportunity if you want, too.)

But even better than that amazing vacation is how my transformation has affected the people I care about most. My husband, Steve, lost 14 lbs and is down to a 32-waist pants size, my dad also lost 20 lbs, my mom lost 10 lbs, and other family members have joined my healthy journey. (Maybe you have some family you would like to motivate, too?)

We recently had a family photo taken. I can tell you that it’s a slimmer bunch of folks in the new photos than years past!

There have been so many other “side benefits” from losing the weight and being more active. Sure, the compliments are heartwarming, but I have asthma, and now my oxygen levels stay higher. I had decent blood pressure, but now it’s even better. I don’t fear for my health like I did before. Plus, I feel more confident wearing shorts now because the divots on the backs of my legs are less noticeable. I didn’t even know that was possible!

And while I used to have to hog-tie myself to exercise in the past, I now have so much more energy that I can’t wait to be active—my husband teases me and says, “I have more energy than a hyper teenager.”

I had given up so many times before in the past. I couldn’t get lasting results so I wouldn’t stick to a program for the long haul. But surprisingly, compared to the other things I had tried—like hiking for hours, fasting for up to five days, following restricted fad diets that just left me exhausted and feeling bad about myself—enjoying an incredibly tasty BioTRUST protein shake for breakfast, and another before bed, made all the difference in the world. It’s simple, simple, simple.

It Really Is Your Turn…

Who hasn’t thought, “I just want to be me again—the real me!” Well, within the first few weeks, I really started to feel like my best self with a new voice and more meaning in my life. I felt the change in my energy and knew this protein was different than all I had tried in the past! 

And if you follow the steps I did and start using BioTRUST Low Carb once in the morning and another at night, I believe you will get the metabolism, energy, and vitality you’ve always wanted—and the body you absolutely, positively deserve.

Remember, you’re only one shake away from a new beginning!

==> Get BioTRUST LOW CARB for up to 31% OFF & Three Free Gifts When You Order Today

I’m living proof that you really can transform your body—even after years of struggle and even over the age of 50. And if I can do it, I sincerely believe you can too! I can’t wait to personally meet you in the private VIP group to help you along your journey!

Very sincerely,

Tammy Kelty

Tammy's Weight Loss Journey






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BioTRUST Nutrition, LLC, 111 Congress Ave; Suite 400, Austin, TX 78701