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We share this week's favorite recipe, podcast blog article & more! Plus, check out the Deal of the Week!


Greetings, Friend!

If you're a fellow American Patriot, I hope that you and your family enjoyed a safe and happy 4th of July! And regardless of where you call home, I hope that this finds you in the best of spirits and one step closer to optimal health.

Speaking of which, I want to lead off this week's VIP Insider with a couple thoughts that can radically amplify your physical and mental wellness...

Coach’s Tip: Get 10 to 15 minutes of outdoor sunlight exposure—without sunglasses—within the first hour of waking. This critical morning dose of sunshine will help you feel more awake and energized during the day and set the stage to fall asleep more quickly and sleep better at night.

Coach’s Corner: Two transformational thoughts for you today. The first is from Dr. Ann Shippy, who offers this powerful encouragement: “Remind yourself how resilient you are; keep looking for answers, and you can have extraordinary health.” And the second from Dr. Michelle Robin, who shares the gentle reminder: “When all else fails, breathe.”

1. Favorite Recipe We Tried This Week

3 easy foil-packet recipes

Let’s be honest, it isn’t really summer until you’ve fired up the grill. Heck, there’s few smells as reminiscent of summertime as barbeque. This week, Coach C has 3 easy foil-packet recipes that combine your favorite proteins (think succulent beef, tender chicken and flaky salmon) with an exquisite complement of veggies. Wrap ‘em up and toss ‘em on the grill for a grilled-to-perfection, easy-peasy weeknight meal, picnic or camping trip—without having to stress about the potential downsides of “char” marks. My favorite is the steak fajitas recipe; you can even swap in chicken and shrimp for added variety when having a cookout—sharing means caring!  

2. Best of our Weekly Podcast

“There is no good or bad without us. There is only perception. There is the event itself and the story we tell ourselves about what it means.” - Ryan Holiday

Stress is generally painted in a negative light, but stress is the way that we survive, adapt and grow. Stress can be healthy. Stress can push us to pursue new heights, and for most people, it can be the path to creating a better you. The difference-maker is how we handle, perceive and view stress. In this episode of the BioTrust Radio podcast, we reveal 12 stress management techniques to reframe and help take the "stress" out of stressors and stressful events. Enjoy!

3. Best Customer Testimonial

This week’s shout-out goes out to Don Martin, who says, “My journey started at 226 pounds, and I’ve gotten all the way down to 177. I saw the benefits [my wife] Deb was reaping, and I wanted to be alongside her in her efforts. So, on her suggestion, I joined the VIP Community, and I could not be happier to be a part of such a great group of people. We are both on the same path in life with our health, and that makes us mentally as healthy as physically. The friends we make daily are what helps drive us! I owe it all to Deb—she inspires me!”

Don isn’t the only one who Deb Janssen (also pictured) has inspired, and she deserves a shout-out from the mountain tops, as she has drastically changed her body and her life. Deb has dropped over 50 pounds in the last year, and she’s earned First Runner-Up honors in two of our transformation challenges. In the process, Deb has been the impetus for many others—like her husband Don—to take radical action and transform their own lives and bodies. Way to go, Deb and Don!

This week’s shout-out goes to Don Martin and Deb Janssen

Want to win a free BioTrust product? Like us on Facebook or Instagram then share your BioTrust success story on either and be sure to use the hashtag #BioTrust.

4. Most Popular Blog Article This Week

Summertime means pool parties, beach vacations and laying out soaking up the rays. Said differently, it’s swimsuit season, and for most people, the last thing you want to worry about is a bloated belly. As Dr. Kellyann Petrucci puts it, “Bloating can take a day from great to gloomy pretty quickly. One minute you’re feeling sexy and confident. And the next minute, you feel like a balloon that’s ready to pop.” Like you’ve probably noticed, what you eat (or don’t eat) can have a powerful impact, and here are 8 foods that reduce belly bloating. Bye-bye belly bloat!

8 foods that reduce belly bloating

5. Transformation Challenge Update

In case you missed last week’s update, we are now more than halfway through our 12-Week Transformation Challenge, and after 6 weeks, our group of participants has dropped a cumulative 669 pounds. That’s a lot of weight! To put it into perspective, that’s equivalent to 34 automobile tires, and as Coach Cristina so cleverly said, “Kinda gives new meaning to losing those ‘spare tires’ around your waist.”

Want to follow the Challenge more closely? Need some encouragement or accountability yourself? Head on over to our VIP Community today!

6. Charity Update: Make-A-Wish®

This is Colton. He's 3, and he and his family are facing an uphill battle with a brain tumor. In this picture, Colton is reveling in his lumberjack adventure, his wish made possible by the kind-hearted folks at Make-A-Wish.

Thanks to the generosity and support of our amazing customers, we are very proud to announce that BioTrust has now donated over $2 million to Make-A-Wish, and together, we have funded more than 200 life-changing wishes for children just like Colton who are battling critical illnesses.

You see, we fervently support Make-A-Wish because we've seen firsthand the physical and emotional benefits that blossom from a wish come true, which helps these beautiful children with life-threatening medical conditions feel stronger, more energetic, and more willing and able to battle their critical illnesses.

For many, the wish marks a turning point in the fight against their illnesses. Doctors, nurses, and other health professionals say the wish experience works together with their treatment to make the children feel better emotionally and physically, and ultimately, give them a higher chance of survival.

That is why wishes matter. That is why we support Make-A-Wish. Thank you for helping us transform lives, one wish at a time.

Thank you!


7. Deal of the Week

We're extending our 4th of July Sale for one more day! For a limited time, we're giving you an additional 30% OFF our entire product line. Yes, a whopping 30% off your entire order! Just use the code USA30 at checkout before this offer expires—valid on our entire product line.

==> Shop All Products & Save an Additional 30% off today (use code USA30 at checkout)

Shop our 4th of July Day Sale! Save 30% Sitewide with code USA30

Stock up, save BIG during this rare 30% OFF sale, and let's get ready to crush our goals in the coming weeks and months -- together.

==> Shop All Products & Save an Additional 30% off today (use code USA30 at checkout)

If you have feedback or questions or if there's any way that I can help you on your journey to better health and wellness, I'd love for you to reply to this email to let me know.

Here to help,

Coach Tim 

Coach Tim



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